The first creation presented, this item is symbolic of PY Manufacture’s approach that enhances copper thanks to the skill of a copperware craftsman and the creation of a proportioned, fractal, geometrical “flower of life” shape, which itself comes from the circle divided into 6 equal parts, which in turn gives 6 more circles, which in turn…
The shape of the egg cup makes it possible to use it both ways round, as if to signify that the egg and the hen are created reciprocally.
We still do not know which came into existence on Earth first, the egg or the hen. I have my own idea on this subject, but the secret still remains…
The choice of copper, an intrinsically solar metal, brings to mind with its gleaming reflections of light all the beauty of a hen's or duck’s egg.
You can choose to let its natural patina cover it with a brown hue; otherwise you can clean it with a soft sponge after each use, rinse it with clean water and wipe it straight away, in order to maintain all its sheen.
A special copper cleaning product is recommended, to be used with a soft cloth to make the copper really gleam. This is a last-forever product for a use consistent with serving a soft-boiled or boiled egg.

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